Super bowl Commercials

This commercial was about jeep and it is persuading you to buy a jeep because they are great in all Turin and can out run a t-Rex and are over all great buy a jeep it dose this by supporting Jurassic park original since with the origination 92 jeep and t-Rex chasing it and changing. into the new jeep but same thing was going on the t-Rex was still chasing. this was probably for audults

In this AD  it was just a funny Ad it had a lot of celebrities from Gordon Ramirez to cardie BI it was just funny it was advertising the new alexa and some of the old ones too and if this were to happen i think this would be a great idea to do and hope this dose happen


this next one was about a man acting like it was other commercials but in realty it was a tide ad and i was more to entertain and make you laugh it start by him say looks like your normal super bowl car commercial or a funny beer ad but its not its a tide ad and it goes through more and more ads and at the end its just a tide ad.

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